Michael Strong has been involved in creating alternative institutions to the state for decades. As an educator, he has focused on creating innovative schools to develop autodidacts and independent thinkers, most recently the Expat International School of Freedom and Entrepreneurship. As a leader of the free cities movement, he has worked with various governments to set up quasi-independent jurisdictions. More broadly, he is an advocate of the full parallel development of new and better institutions to replace failing state institutions around the world. He will provide a vision of how we can work together to accelerate the development and acceptance of higher quality institutions for all. Michael is the author of The Habit of Thought: From Socratic Seminars to Socratic Practice and Be the Solution: How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalists Can Solve All the World's Problems. He is the founder and Executive Director of the Adolescent Flourishing Initiative at the University of Austin and serves on the board of the Seasteading Institute.